Package com.plotnix.jex

Interface Summary
Expression Compiled form of a value expression, which can be evaluated in a Context.
IterationExpression Compiled form of an iteration expression, which can be evaluated in a Context.
VariableExpression Compiled form of a left-hand side expression, which can be assigned a value.
Variables Variables provide access to a global set of values accessible via expressions.

Class Summary
Compiler A compiler translates an expression string into an executable form.
Context Expressions are evaluated in a Context, which provides access to shared pieces of the environment: variables, locale, expression language compilers etc.
Interpreter An interpreter directly evaluates an expression string.
MultilingualCompiler A MultilingualCompiler determines the language for each expression and then compiles it using that language's compiler.
MultilingualInterpreter A MultilingualInterpreter determines the language for each expression and then interprets it using that language's interpreter.

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